BBQ Etiquette: Top Tips for guests attending a BBQ 

Summer is in full swing, and that means BBQ season is upon us. Whether you’re hosting a backyard cookout or attending one, there’s an unspoken code of conduct that can help ensure everyone has a great time. Knowing the proper etiquette, especially when it comes to eating ribs and other BBQ foods, can help you in any gathering. Here’s a guide to mastering BBQ manners.

1. Arrive On Time

BBQ gatherings are often casual, but showing up on time (within 15 minutes of the invitation time) is a sign of respect for your host. 

2. Bring Something

If you’re invited to a BBQ, no matter how casual, it’s courteous to bring something along to show gratitude for being invited. This could be a side dish, a dessert, drinks, or even extra napkins. Check with your host ahead to see what’s needed so you don’t end up with 4 potato salads! The host may assign you a dish or may say to bring a beverage. If your host says they don’t need you to bring anything, it’s still good manners to bring a host gift- click here to see some of the best host gifts

 3. Eating Ribs

Ribs are a BBQ staple but can be messy to eat. Here are some tips to handle them with finesse:

– Use Both Hands: Ribs are best eaten with your hands. Hold a rib with both hands to get a good grip and minimize mess.

– Bite and Pull: Ribs can be enjoyed at a casual BBQ with either fingers or a fork and knife. If you are using fingers, take a small bite and gently pull the meat away from the bone. Avoid gnawing or sucking on the bone.

– Napkins are Your Friend: Keep a stack of napkins handy. Wipe your hands and mouth frequently to avoid getting sauce everywhere. Wet wipes may be provided and are a great way to help clean fingers and hands. Whatever you do, never lick BBQ sauce off your fingers! 

– Dispose of Bones Properly: Have a designated spot for discarded bones. A small plate or bowl works well for this purpose. Don’t allow your plate to have a pile of bones towering high. Instead, empty your plate after a few bones pile up to avoid a potential mess. 

4. Other BBQ Foods

– Burgers and Hot Dogs: These can also be eaten with your hands. If they’re particularly juicy, be cautious of dripping sauces or toppings. Add sauces such as ketchup and mustard sparingly to avoid dripping.  

– Corn on the Cob: Corn is best eaten by holding each end and biting down the rows horizontally. If it’s buttered, consider using a napkin to hold it.

– Chicken Wings: Similar to ribs, wings are typically eaten with your hands. Use the same bite and pull method, and have plenty of napkins ready.

– Salads and Sides: These are usually eaten with a fork. Take small portions initially to ensure there’s enough for everyone.

5. Handling Sauces

BBQ sauces and condiments can be delicious but messy. If a sauce is provided in a communal bowl, use a spoon to transfer it to your plate (and then a knife to put on your food) rather than dipping your food directly into a sauce.

6. Express Gratitude

Before leaving, thank your host for their hospitality. If you brought a dish, take containers with you so your host does not have to do extra washing up. 

BBQs are all about enjoying good food and good company. By following these simple etiquette tips, you can ensure that everyone has a pleasant experience and that you’re invited back for future gatherings. So grab those ribs, savor the flavors, and enjoy the best of BBQ season!

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