Business & Networking

Social Etiquette in the professional world. When and when not to lean in for that hug

In the professional world, maintaining appropriate boundaries while keeping positive relationships is important. While hugs and cheek kisses can convey warmth and camaraderie, their...

Texting Etiquette Rules Everyone Should Follow

Often a text message is the first point of contact because it’s fast and easy. According to Linkedin, 95% of texts are opened within...

Party Etiquette Tips for Hosts. A Quick Guide to Impress Your Guests!

There is nothing more memorable than a great host! Whether it's a casual get-together with friends, a formal dinner party, or a crucial business...

Elegant Icebreakers: Top 5 Questions to Ask When You’re Low on Conversation at a Holiday Party

Navigating social gatherings can be a delightful experience, but sometimes, we find ourselves in those inevitable lulls where small talk becomes a challenge. Not...

What time should guests leave a dinner party? The Art of Knowing When to Bid Adieu.

Have you ever found yourself lingering at a dinner party, unsure of when it's time to make your exit? We've all been there! While...

How to Decline a Party Invite Politely: Say “No Thanks” Without Burning Bridges

Ah, the dreaded party invitation etiquette. We've all been there - torn between the desire to Netflix and relax in our pajamas and the...

Who to Tip Over the Holidays (and How Much to Give)! Your Tipping Cheat Sheet.

The holiday season is a time of giving, joy, and, of course, tipping! Tipping during the holidays is a way to show appreciation to...

Is it Bad Office Etiquette to Eat Fragrant Food at Your Desk? 

In the fast-paced world of modern workplaces, finding the perfect time and place to enjoy a meal can be a bit of a conundrum....

10 Powerful Life Lessons Straight from Beyoncé’s Mouth

Queen Bey has shared numerous inspiring and empowering quotes throughout her career. While she doesn’t give endless interviews or typically put herself out into...

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