5 Genius Ways to Get More Than “Fine” When You Ask Your Kids How School Was

You’ve been there: eagerly awaiting your child to return from school, hoping to hear tales of their day. But when you ask, “How was school?”, the often monosyllabic answer you get is a flat, “Fine.” As parents, we’ve all faced the challenge of drawing more out of our children, longing to bridge that communication gap and hear what they learned or how they spent their day.

Believe it or not, the reason for the “fine” response may actually be a response to the questions you are asking! Here are five ways to finally get more out of your mini-me:

1. Be Specific with Your Questions

Instead of the generic, “How was your day?”, try being more pointed. Asking, “Who did you sit with at lunch today?” or “Tell me one thing you learned in science today,” can yield far more insightful responses. By asking specific questions, you’re signaling that you’re genuinely interested in the particulars of their day.

2. Establish a Routine

Dedicate a regular time for a daily catch-up, perhaps during dinner or just before bedtime. When this becomes a routine, children are more mentally prepared to discuss their day. It’s not just about asking the questions but creating an environment where they feel encouraged to share.

3. Share Your Day First

Modeling the behavior can work wonders. Before you dive into questions about their day, share a little about yours. Mention an interesting incident at work, a new recipe you tried, or a challenge you faced. This reciprocity can help your child see these conversations as a two-way street and might prompt them to share more.

4. Encourage Feelings, Not Just Events

Rather than just focusing on what happened, delve into how it made them feel. Questions like, “Was there a moment today when you felt really proud?” or “Was there something that made you upset or confused?” can not only give you insights into their day but also their emotional well-being.

5. Limit Distractions

In our tech-centric world, screens often compete for attention. To foster genuine conversation, ensure that the environment is free from distractions like TVs, tablets, or phones. This not only allows for deeper connection but also shows your child that they are your current priority.

Being a parent in the modern age is, without a doubt, a beautiful maze of joys and challenges. While “fine” might sometimes feel like a brick wall in our quest for connection, with a little creativity and persistence, it’s one we can definitely scale. Remember, it’s not about prying or snooping, but genuinely connecting. And in this quest, the journey — filled with both hits and misses — is as rewarding as the destination.

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