Modern Etiquette

Tipping Etiquette: Who to Tip at Restaurants and How Much

When it comes to tipping staff at a restaurant, it can get confusing as to which employees should be tipped and how much. While...

How Much Should I Tip When I Travel? Tip Etiquette

Traveling to new destinations brings excitement, adventure, and sometimes, a bit of uncertainty when it comes to tipping etiquette. Whether you're exploring bustling cities...

3 Unknown Royal Etiquette Facts Revealed

The most intriguing and lesser-known aspects of royal etiquette are often the most fascinating. From seating protocol to the art of gift-giving, here are...

Shocking Hidden Emoji Meanings: What They REALLY Mean

You can imagine my face when I recently sent a group chat a “thumbs up” + “taco” + “tongue” emoji and my friend immediately...

Three Common Travel Mistakes to Avoid- According to Hotel Staff

Travel season is here, and recent figures show that it may be one of the busiest years of travel yet. A recent study by...

5 Ways to Survive Wedding Season Single

Wedding season is upon us, and for many singletons, this time of year can be a bit of a minefield.  When it feels like...

To wave or not to wave? Hiking, Biking and Running Rules of the Road

There really isn’t a worse feeling than being unsure of the appropriate etiquette in situations where it seems like everyone else knows the unspoken...

Etiquette Pro: What Is the Difference Between Afternoon Tea and High Tea?

Tea season is among us, whether it be a beautiful garden tea party or something more stately and formal. One common mistake people make...

Kentucky Derby Etiquette: 7 Rules You’ll Want to Follow and Why

The Kentucky Derby is one of the most famous horse races in the world, held annually in Louisville, Kentucky, and almost always on the...

25 etiquette lessons a child should know by the age of 10

According to etiquette expert, two-time best selling author and the founder of The Plaza Hotel Finishing Program, Myka Meier says there is an exact...

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