How to Eat French Onion Soup: Soup Etiquette Made Simple

French onion soup, with its rich, savory broth, melty cheese, and toasted bread, is a favorite winter soup recipe! That being said, this delicious dish is not only known for its cheesy topping, but is also considered one of the most tricky foods to navigate. Not to worry- with a few simple etiquette tips, you’ll be able to eat this soup dish with ease and grace! Next time you see it on the menu, don’t hesitate to order it, and follow these simple guidelines:

The Trickiness of French Onion Soup

French onion soup has earned a reputation as one of the more challenging foods to eat, but it doesn’t have to be an intimidating experience. The difficulty often arises from the layer of gooey cheese and the crispy bread that tops the soup. To navigate this culinary maze, here are some tips:

1. The Essential Tools

You’ll need a spoon and, surprisingly, a knife may also be helpful. Yes, a knife! While many people assume that knives should be kept away from soups, French onion soup is the exception. A knife is invaluable for cutting through the layer of cheese and bread that crowns the bowl.

2. Cutting Through the Cheese and Bread

Start by using your knife to cut through the cheese and bread crust. It might require a bit of gentle effort, but persevere, and you’ll be rewarded. Cutting through this layer not only makes the soup easier to manage but also ensures that you get a delicious mix of flavors and textures in each bite.

3. The Role of the Knife

You can use the knife to your advantage throughout the meal. If you’re finding it challenging to scoop up the cheese and bread with your spoon alone, use the knife to help assist the cheesy goodness onto the spoon. When you are done with the knife, you can place it back down on the plate underneath the soup bowl. 

4. The Scooping Technique

When you’ve successfully tackled the cheese and bread, you’ll reach the flavorful broth underneath. This is where proper soup etiquette and a scooping technique comes into play. To avoid spills and drips, remember to scoop the soup away from you. This motion helps prevent any unintentional splashes onto your clothing or the table.

5. Soup Etiquette Bonus!

Lastly, remember that etiquette matters. When dining in a formal setting or with company, be mindful of your table manners. Avoid blowing on soup (for risk of it being blown onto the table or your lap) and simply let it cool by stirring it. Eat slowly, and in Western cultures, avoid slurping or making loud noises while enjoying your soup.

While French onion soup may have a reputation for being tricky to eat, armed with the right tools and techniques, you can master this delicious dish with confidence and etiquette ease. Don’t shy away from ordering this winter classic the next time you see it on the menu and enjoy! To watch a short video on how to eat French onion soup, click here.

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